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alton has approximately 12 properties for sale. The suburb has a total area of approximately 44.83807 km2.  Estimated average price for listed properties in this area: R 4 218 333.

alton north

alton north has approximately 27 properties for sale. The suburb has a total area of approximately 8.684725 km2.  Estimated average price for listed properties in this area: R 3 109 335.

meer en see

meer en see has approximately 1 properties for sale. The suburb has a total area of approximately 14.19206 km2.

richards bay central

richards bay central has approximately 23 properties for sale. The suburb has a total area of approximately 2.496823 km2.  Estimated average price for listed properties in this area: R 3 026 989.

wild en weide

wild en weide has approximately 1 properties for sale. The suburb has a total area of approximately 1.111166 km2.

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